Everyone seems to want to increase their sales and profitability for next year. So what is your plan to accomplish this?
1. Develop a sales & expense budget for each month based on past experience.
a. Include your management team on this process.
b. Provide results of the last several years month by month so that a trend can be reviewed.
2. The Big Question is: What are you going to do differently in 2014 than what you have done over the last several years in these areas to gain your new sales & expense budget?
a. Food
b. Beverage
c. Marketing & Merchandising
d. Décor
e. Staff Training
3. Attach a Plan of Action for each area where there is desired improvement:
a. Objectives and Desired Results
b. Steps
c. Timeline
d. Budget
e. Assign a Point Person who is accountable for crafting the plan and gaining the results.
4. So here are some words of advice on “plan crafting”:
a. Be supportive with the team. Give them tools as needed.
b. Let the team have their ideas but with your direction
c. Have weekly reports from the point person and review these reports carefully. Coach as needed. Hold the Point Person accountable for the results.
d. Recruit outside sources to assist in the process of achievement which may include vendors, professional services, and other restaurant owners/managers.